Automatic birthday greating email PHP SMTP

Automatic birthday greating email PHP SMTP

So the task was to send a random greating to a person on his/her Birthday. I picked the extrahard challenge cause this way without any tips it is much more interesting and also easierin a way cause I am free to use any approach that I want (don't get me wrong you also need to follow directions from time to time cause you also need to learn how to write readable and well-structured code where everything makes sense). From the start I had three documents with a greating in each of them


and also, I have the the birthdays.csv file with all the the names emails and birthdays


so, here we go: first, understanding that I will need some sort of if statement to compare current date to the birth date from the birthdays.csv, I use the datetimee module to get the current date. Keep in mind that datetime type is a so for my approach I will need to convert it to a string

now =
today = str(f"{now.year}-{now.month}-{}")
#print(today) sorry, again my debugging

Also, I created the email and password variables that are holding the email of a sender and a password.

my_email = ""
password = "password"

After that I read and retrieve the data I need out of the data files. Since, the birthdays.csv is a .csv I use the pandas module:

data = pandas.read_csv("birthdays.csv")
birth_dict = data.to_dict(orient="records")

For the three letters documents I use regular with to read data and merge them into one list so it will be easier to work with it:

with open("letter_templates/letter_1.txt", "r") as letter_1,\
        open("letter_templates/letter_2.txt", "r") as letter_2,\
        open("letter_templates/letter_3.txt", "r") as letter_3:
    l_1 =
    l_2 =
    l_3 =
    letters = [l_1, l_2, l_3]

After that I check if the current date is equal to the birthday date (remember previously I converted it to a string) and to do this I will need to access the items inside of the birth_dict dictionary and extract the day and month:

for item in birth_dict:
    birthday = f"2022-{item['month']}-{item['day']}"

also, extract name and reciever_email:

    name = item["name"]
    receiver_email = item["email"]

now I can finnaly compare two dates, remember how I converted the todays' date into a string. And if it is True than I modify letters replacing the [NAME] to the name of a person and finnaly sending the modified email:

    if birthday == today:
        letters = [letter.replace("[NAME]", name) for letter in letters]

Finally I created the send_email function and put it before the reading the letters documents:

def send_email():
    #I connect to the corresponding email server
    with smtplib.SMTP("", 587) as connection:
        #secure the connection
        #login to the service
        connection.login(user=my_email, password=password)
        #and finally send the email
        connection.sendmail(from_addr=my_email, to_addrs=receiver_email,
                            msg=f"Subject: Birthday greating\n\n{random.choice(letters)}")