Python Selenium automated program.

Python Selenium automated program.

So today, we are building the internet bot with Selenium that will click on cookies without us doing anything. The bot will click on a cookie for 5 minutes and than automatically choose the product from the store.

We will need to install the webdriver for this and import the Selenium. Also, we will need the time module In my case I will need to download chrome webdriver and save it into the folder of my choice now import all the modules that I will need

import time
from selenium import webdriver
from import By

Now we will have to save the pass to the webdriver that I just downloaded into variable and connect to the web service of my choice:

chrome_driver_path = "C:/Development/chromedriver.exe"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chrome_driver_path)

Now we have access to the html elements of the web service I chose. First, we save the cookie that I need to click into a variable:

cookie = driver.find_element(By.ID, "cookie")

Also, we will need to save the beginning of those five minutes and the start of the time into a variable. The time() method is a method of time module and its used to get the time in seconds since the when the timestarts in a browser. It will basically take the time form the moment we called the method.

timeout = 300   # 5 minutes from now
timeout_start = time.time()

now to click the cookie endlessly untill the five minutes are over we will use the while loop

while True:
    delta = time.time() - timeout_start
    if delta >= timeout:

now in our webpage we will find all the rewards that are available and save them into the list. Also, we will need to save the amount of cash that we have into variable to use it for later:

store_list = [store_item for store_item in driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#store div[class='']")]
cash = float(driver.find_element(By.ID, "money").text.replace(",","").strip(" "))

Now we will iterate through our list of rewards to extract the prices to check if we earned anything. If we earned something than we will choose the biggest available reward and click on it

for store_item in store_list:
    price = float(store_item.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "b").text.split(' ')[-1].replace(",","").strip(" "))
    if cash >= price: